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Cannabis flower (bud/weed) contains the majority of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD that create psychological and uplifting effects, and terpenes (scent molecules) that act like essential oils adding complexity to the high. The enhanced holistic experience of cannabinoids plus terpenes is called “the entourage effect.” When the THC % is very high you may notice a decreased aroma, so consuming high-THC flower may limit your overall experience.

Modified Grapes; photo by LitHouse

What should I look for?

Color: green/diverse colors show freshness; too bright green may not have proper cure and may be harsh to smoke. Brown shows age. Purple may indicate relaxing effects. Orange hairs don’t indicate potency but are visually appealing
Trichomes (crystals): frosty-looking buds contain more cannabinoids
Scent: your experience will be better with the most appealing, complex aromas Structure: tight and chunky or loose and leafy buds? How big or small are they?
Feel: fresh bud is sticky and resilient. Dry bud is less fragrant and may be older
Burn: is it smooth or harsh on your throat? Popping sound may indicate seeds

Hybrid vs Indica vs Sativa

Hybrid: crossbreed of sativa and indica. Most current cannabis plants are hybrids due to generations of breeding. Asking for a “sativa” or “indica” will likely get you a sativa dominant or indica dominant hybrid
Indica: broad-leafed, compact plant considered to have calming, sedative, stony “body” effects. Can be used for pain, rest & relaxation
Sativa: tall, airy plants considered to have uplifting, mentally-stimulating, “heady” high effects. Can be used for fun, socializing, enhancing creativity, focusing and getting things done like cleaning and gardening * Effects can vary from person to person & may be opposite of your expectation

Indoor vs Greenhouse vs Outdoor

Indoor flower may display good bud structure, range of color and potent scents because conditions can be monitored and adjusted; greatest environmental impact
Greenhouse flower can be grown either in mixed-light (natural light augmented by electric) for better results, or light-dep (blocking natural light for fast growth) to produce a wide range of quality levels
Outdoor (sun-grown) flower uses the full spectrum of sunlight, often producing wider terpene profiles; lowest environmental impact

Dark Dosi; photo by LitHouse

*TIP what scents do you like the best? citrusy, gassy, earthy, funky, berry, fruity, floral, piney, spicy, sweet etc. Request them or ask for buds with high-terpene contents, aka “terpy”

*TIP ask for fresh flower. Old buds contain more CBN and can be highly sedative

*TIP ask your budtender about their favorite, most consistent brands and preferred strains

*TIP ask your budtender for strains that provide the effects you want (created by terpenes) such as calming, relaxing, uplifting, euphoric, appetite-stimulating, clear headed, focused, etc. instead of for an “indica” or “sativa”

*TIP find growers that you trust and try their newest interesting strain

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